Articles & Essays
“How Charismatic and Pentecostal Conservatives Are Shaping the American Right Wing of Today,” PRRI Spotlight Analysis, October 21, 2024.
“Kamala Harris’ message to women on ‘freedom’ helps explain why Black and white Christians are deeply divided over support for Donald Trump,” co-authored with Flavio Rogerio Hickel Jr., Dara Delgado, and Youssef Chouhoud, The Conversation, September 24, 2024.
“Charismatic Elements in American Religion Today with Leah Payne,” PRRI Instagram Live, March 27, 2024.
“‘Sound of Freedom’ and the Media Fueling Belief in America’s ‘Special Role’ in Human History,” PRRI Spotlight Analysis, September 27, 2023.
“Born Again Christians Are Less Southern Baptist Than They Used to Be,” co-authored with Fanhao Nie, Ph.D., Flavio Rogerio Hickel Jr., Tarah Williams, The Washington Post, July 7, 2023.
“The Future of “Born Again Evangelicalism” is Charismatic and Pentecostal,” co-authored with Fanhao Nie, Ph.D., Flavio Rogerio Hickel Jr., Tarah Williams, PRRI Spotlight Analysis, June 29, 2023.
“Guess Who’s Coming to Easter Dinner?” co-authored with Fanhao Nie, Ph.D., Flavio Rogerio Hickel Jr., Tarah Williams, Religion News Service, April 7, 2023.
“‘Jesus Revolution’ Leaves Out the Tough Stuff but Gets the Music Right,” Religion News Service, February, 2023.
“The Rise and Fall of Hillsong’s ‘Hypepriests,” NBC News, April 10, 2022.
“Tammy Faye, a Double Whammy of Christian Love Wins in the End,” Religion News Service, September, 2021.
“Carman, Beloved by ’90s Evangelical Kids, Was a Pentecostal Showman at Heart,” co-authored with Dara Delgado, Religion News Service, February, 2021.
“President Trump’s Hidden Religious Base: Pentecostal-Charismatic Celebrities,” co-authored with Erica Ramirez, Religion News Service, August, 2020.
“Paula White-Cain’s Evangelical Support Squad Isn’t as Surprising as It Seems,” co- authored with Aaron Griffith, Christianity Today, October, 2019.
“Why Foursquare’s Female Leaders Have It Harder Today,” Christianity Today, May, 2019.
“The Christian Conspiracies that Keep Evangelicals on Trump’s Side,” co-authored with Brian Doak, The Washington Post, October, 2018.
“Wild Wild Country Hits Close to Home,” Christianity Today, May, 2018.
“The Christian Sect that Has Always Cheered on Donald Trump,” co-authored with Erica Ramirez, The Washington Post, March 21, 2018.
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